VALURA is the #1 company valuation and analysis firm. Our focus is to maximize company value using our data analytics-driven methodology.
We believe that data is the currency of the New World and that a company can't improve it if can't measure its performance.
Accordingly, we make the data meaningful and increase growth, profitability, and return on equity in a measurable manner.
With its cloud-based system, VALURA supports businesses of all sizes to become more “valuable” and more “fit” companies by utilizing the power of “data”.
We believe that when the right time comes, every shareholder should be rewarded for their efforts.
Our vision is to increase the welfare level of society by creating more valuable companies.
With our award-winning data analytics software and corporate performance analysis system CVMS, we increase the value, performance, and investor attractiveness of medium-sized enterprises around the world.
Our motto is "Create the best product at a global scale, enjoy the process while doing this, constantly learn and develop, be positive, support the Earth in a more environmentally friendly and animal-friendly manner."
We are an accreditated member of IACVS.
We became a member of IACVS (The International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists), the highest umbrella organization on a global scale in company valuation. We have proven our success with the membership of IACVS, which represents the highest operation principles and quality standards in Company Valuation.
VALURA is a member of the International Institute of Business
As a member of the International Institute of Business Analysis, the most respected umbrella organization in Business Analysis in the world, we have registered our business analysis services in line with global standards (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge, BABOK).
CBA is a corporate finance advisory specialized in mergers &
acquisitions of SMEs. The company has a proven track record and
reputation worldwide.
CBA has signed 7100 agreements worth $143 billion. VALURA offers Global
Growth Consultancy service with the support of 101 country offices as the
Turkish Business Partner of CBA.
VALURA is the Global partner of Austrian-based MergersCorp, which specializes in raising growth capital for Midsize Enterprises.
MergersCorp is a global company with 17 country offices specializing in mergers and acquisitions of mid-sized businesses.
VALURA is the authorized consultant of Borsa İstanbul Private Market.
With this competence, it provides company valuation and analysis services to accredited investors and high-potential businesses.
We are in the consultancy pool of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
We enable our companies to benefit from EBRD support in our consultancy projects.
We are a member of the global community LFCA, which drives climate action.
We take our environmental responsibility seriously. Therefore, we support Greenfleet's afforestation projects as much as our carbon emissions to remove our carbon footprint. CO2 Reduction for companies
VALURA was selected as the Best Company Valuation Firm in Eastern Europe in 2019 by the UK-based M&A Today.
M&A Today selected VALURA as the Best Company Valuation Firm in Eastern Europe in 2019 as part of the Global 100 awards, which were selected with the participation of 163 countries globally. We progress to be the most innovative company valuation firm on a global scale!
We believe that the responsibility of a business is to add value to society and the world we live in, as well as to make a profit and provide employment opportunities.
In the world, 15,000 children die every day because they cannot be vaccinated, cannot access clean water, and are malnourished. UNICEF delivers various products such as vaccines against deadly diseases, tents, therapeutic convenience foods, water cleaning tablets to millions of children most affected by humanitarian crises. We are proud to support UNICEF indefinitely by buying Life-Saving Gifts “Hope Packages” on behalf of our customers.
VALURA became the official supporter of the Women's Empowerment Initiative founded by UN Global Impact and UN Women.
We have committed to work on issues such as violence against women, equal opportunities, equal financial opportunities at work, and education for girls. We work for gender equality on a global scale. We will encourage each company we provide service to develop equal opportunity projects for women. We proudly support this initiative of the United Nations.
For the team, news and updates visit
"We exist to increase the welfare of society by creating more valuable companies."